

we are glad to announce that space roars self titled album
has been release on our we smoked all the wet records.
you can download the long awaited album here.


who killed terror?

who will receive the bounty for osama bin ladens death?
well, nah, it was definitely that guy who decided to hunt bin laden down that one time.. with a sword..

/06/man_who_tried_to_hunt_down_osa.html ]

that guy. he said he would in the end of august, but he's definitely just fat. also he did say it "cryptically".
he deserves that bounty.


what guys yo.

osama bin ethan laden jr.
c. 1244 - 2011


but all you really need to know from that article is:

"Women's singles: Porntip Buranaprasertsuk (Thailand) beat Youn Joo Bae (South Korea) 21-13, 21-16."



space roar's album is supposedly moving along. we asked them about it. tell us, what's complete and what's still to work on. well, i mean, we have four songs recorded, and we wanted at least twenty. that concludes our interview.


space roar 0" update

we're here live with space roars lead
sequencer otis rather, 58. tell us, otis,
how's the album coming along? well,
wet, we haven't actually done anything
yet. why's that? well, uh, our drummer's
moms caught him jerkin' off in the
garden and, uh, he like had to do well
in school and stuff, we haven't called him
in a while is all. no, we haven't. that concludes our


here we are..

here we are smoking resin from a ceramic one hitter and eating duped yogurt to cover up the taste of butane. we lack what flows in front of us according to illocutions. maybe we're sick or ill advised. alls we know is, it's a beautiful day and we'll take no part of it.

go watch this



we found this to be pretty amazing. if this is what was on television all the time, we'd be avid followers. too bad television is an abomination to all life and the pursuit of knowledge. maybe if there were more commercials. we're just not satisfied yet. keep 'em coming world.


fish trip

Ichthyoallyeinotoxism, or Hallucinogenic fish poisoning, comes from eating certain species of fish found in several parts of the tropics, notably the Indian Pacific. The effects of eating ichthyoallyeinotoxic fishes are reputed to be similar in some aspects to LSD. Experiences may include vivid auditory and visual hallucinations. This has given rise to the collective common name "dream fish" for ichthyoallyeinotoxic fish.
The species most commonly claimed to be capable of producing this kind of toxicity include several species from the Kyphosus genus, including Kyphosus fuscus, K. cinerascens and K. vaigiensis. It is unclear whether the toxins are produced by the fish themselves or by marine algae in their diet, but a dietary origin may be more likely.
In 2006, two men who ate fish, apparently the species Sarpa salpa, caught in the Mediterranean were affected by ichthyoallyeinotoxism and experienced hallucinations lasting for several days

from the wikipedia

here we are..

here we are, having our cup of coffee and we're wondering. The weather looks nice, but from an indoor perspective (we haven't been outside yet, but we reckon it's cold with all that wind). We might want to go sticker-bombing on the way to school or possibly flick boogers at the flux of passerby whom we will probably never see again. It's the only way we think that we'll always be a part of one another.
we could get drunk after school. always a good time. or buy a dime, but we just made some brownies and they'll certainly be gone by tomorrow if so. fuck it, we're down.
the infamous space roar is bound to drop their first extended play next month hopefully, or next week. we have to talk to them. they are, however, cartoons and can be quite difficult to contact when need be.
question and answer of the day/week(if it comes to that):
you think your life is difficult? try being this guy.
oh yeah, we almost forgot.


Dancid Mix Vol. One

this a dancing mix that we're going to call dancid mix. it's for kyle's birthday party, but it's also for any dance parties. there is no album cover because it's not an album. maybe a compilation cover will be made, maybe not. depends on how we feel. oh, and there will be more compilations to come as well as albums by artists that don't actually exist, well, only in cyberspace (what a place!).

download here